this is just typical of you virgilw… you keep playing the game, having fun and etc. while we can only watch with our jaws open from which occasional droplets come down…
I’m as ready as everybody else for the game release so I can actually sit down and play it. I hardly get to do that right now since I just do what is necessary to implement and test features. Of course once released, I’ll instantly be pwned by the better players and not be able to hit in the top 10 on most any map 🙂
Greetings random individual. I beseech you, lend me your ear.
Are you tired of being bested by the big boys?
Having trouble keeping your head above the water with all those elitists hogging all the fun?
Well worry no more, for we now have the latest and greatest in self-indulgent tactics.
YesssirrEEEee… I humbly present to you the one, the only: How To Always Get N.O. in highscores, forever. All split into lovely convenient steps just for YOU! Yes YOU!
Step 1) Create a Custom Map, Any Map will do.
Step 2) Completely and utterly obliterate the enemy in the map
Step 3) Never share the map name to anyone anywhere
Step 4) ???
Step 5) Profit
Enjoy your eternal residence among the lords of the realm, however unnoticeable your presence may be.
You took the words out of my mouth :). Too bad PZ bertha’s full potential wasn’t brought forth here… The creeper wasn’t dense enough for the 3 shots to make much of a differance compared to one. Still, neato!
Something I was wondering about while watching—would it ever make a difference? That is, I thought that each Bertha shell destroyed *all* creeper within a certain radius; at least, that’s what it looks like in the “Big Bertha” blog post. If that’s the case, three shots does almost nothing more than one shot (just a slightly wider destruction zone in one dimension due to the spread of the shots). Maybe Bertha shells have been changed to only destroy a certain depth of creeper? If not, it seems like the Bertha PZ bonus should be changed to, say, just faster fire rate and/or lower energy consumption.
Perhaps a PZ Bertha’s three shells can hit a larger area. Spread them out a bit more and thereby hit more creeper.
DestinyAtlantis(The Lord of Darkness)June 7, 2013 at 5:22 am | Permalink
I remember reading somewhere some time ago, that the Bertha cuts 45 levels or something like that(and since we have never seen creeper so deep, that’s why we think it destroys all.
I have a question, if you set the Bertha to auto-fire, will it also fire the 3 shot burst in 1 place, or will it use it on 3 different areas?
The 3 shots are always fired in the triangle shown in the video and yes the bertha 3 shot is more effective on denser creeper but in my case i just got a wider area of effect
I believe in an earlier video Bertha’s were placed on the PZ, yes the creeper wasn’t that thick and I did sorta overuse the bertha but hey I had extra energy
id just like to hear an eta on a finished product so all us happy gamers can get in action.
ive pretty much seen everything and yeah u get a feeling of how things work.
but would rather try it my self cus that gives u the REAL feeling.
The only thing I have ever committed to is “this year”. Do I expect that to mean Dec 31, 2013? No… I expect before that. Do I mean next week? No, I expect after that. As soon as I say something like “weeks”, or a “month or two” it gets turned into ‘imminent’ and I start getting harassed even more for a date. I feel the pressure to release, believe me 🙂 I’m as anxious as anybody to light this candle.
So all I can really say is that I am entering the polish phase rapidly, finishing off some important things like a key mapper, working on story missions, and fixing bugs as they are discovered. Will I spend a month doing this or six? I can’t say, as I don’t know the answer.
Fernando DallabenetaJune 6, 2013 at 4:59 pm | Permalink
Since I’ve never really said anything here before now, I’ll just say that I’m the guy that keeps a browser window open to the blog to check at least once a day for any news. On top of that, I’m perfectly happy waiting patiently until it’s complete and ready to be released, whenever that happens to be.
I can’t help but notice all of the pressure from users looking for a quick release, not that I really see anything wrong with that. What I’m certain that nobody else really notices is just how many people just watch and wait patiently and keep silent.
I’d just like to say that I’m anticipating the release date as much as anyone I’m sure, but for what it’s worth, I hope you don’t feel like you have to kill yourself in the process to get it done as quick as possible. I hope you have as much fun making at as we all do playing it.
Dunno about you, I have an RSS feed for this blog (which means I get notified when new posts come out, no need to keep the tab open and manually check :D)
I take your perpetually open tab and raise you one .htm file with links to about every site I visit as a homepage. And the link to this blog is the very first thing (mostly because “blog” is the first section and “knuckle” the first link alphabetically) on it. 😉
And to paraphrase a certain Mr. Wall at the end of Dungeon Novice: It will absolutely be released this year, almost certainly in the first half, and probably in the first quarter. You have 7 months. Tick tock. (seriously, though, take your time and don’t rush it)
Psychology lesson 101
“As soon as I say something like “weeks”, or a “month or two” it gets turned into ‘imminent’ and I start getting harassed even more for a date. ”
Its probably month or two 😀
And telling people not to ask every week isn’t going to stop them. Unless virgil comes out and says ‘Guys, stop it.’ I would take it as encouragement that so many people are so eager for release.
I think the only way it’s going to stop is if Virgil declines those posts. They all have to be approved by him, therefore if he disapproves, they won’t show up.
It’s more ready today than yesterday, but not yet complete. I’m really not be nit-picky about the release. I’m adding things that must be there before the release and working on the story.
I can’t wait to get this game. I am still playing “Creeper World: Evermore” each day! (For some reason I find it more entertaining then CW2)
Knowing “Game 3” will arrive sometime “this year” is good enough for me. In worst case it gets to be a christmas present to myself! Keep up the good work!
Thanks! It was a lot of fun to create. I sped the video up at 4X speed. It took me a total of 52 real minutes unpaused of game to beat. I’d say I spent an hour beating it and that same time creating it. I messed up the filming of my creation because I was going to include that in the video…
I don’t feel that CW1 or CW2 is any better than the other, perfectly. In my mind, they are different games that are simply co-habituating the same universe. I loved the play style of CW1 better than 2, but felt that the units of two were much better.
Oh, also, I noticed whenever the game was paused, the creeper would shade differently. Is this a bug? Personally, I don’t like the shading. I enjoy seeing where dense creeper is compared to thin, especially when targeting and such. Still a fantastic game! Looks better every time I see it! Keep up the good work!
The color is different because I used a key to lower the shades to see the ground underneath when placing units so I could find flat land. The normal colors stay as paused. I just needed to be able to see where I was placing the units. 😛
This looks very exciting! The map looked like it was a bit of a battle.
I was hoping for a July 1st release date, but seeing Virgil’s comments above I’m afraid that’s not in the cards. I guess we’ll have to wait another couple of months.
Virgil, is it possible you will have pre-orders? I would like to play on the first day when it comes out. But, because I have no credit card my bank transaction will take several working days to complete. Add a weekend in that and I’m looking at a week of waiting.
Awesome! there were times the clicking to move or build items coincided with the rhythm of the music.
I could watch the Terps work all day long. The way they work together and build up layer by layer I find fun to watch. When I get my hands on the game i am going to build a blank map with energy and lots of terps and let them teraform the whole map from level 1-10. why? because I can. 🙂
I will make a video for Virgil that shows the power of the terps if you would like, it would be up to his decision to release the video being that the game is in beta. I will make this however.
The proper formula is actually E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4. E=mc^2 does not take into account the object’s movement because all objects move even when at absolute zero (theoretically they can’t get absolute zero but very close). Anyway this is the future. The blasters are giant if you think about it because they are roughly 1/9 the size of the OCs and those are probably about the same size as Odin city and that held 50k people. The blasters are probably on the magnitude of terra-electronvolts (the energy required to smash atoms in the Large Hadron Collider). Who knows and since they can destroy huge amounts of matter maybe they are even on the scale of peta or even zetta-electronvolts. So I would say that creating matter isn’t an issue. Oh and a reccomendation to VW: if you still haven’t decided what makes the Aether Forge’s weapon so powerful (i’m guessing it is uber powerful at least lol) perhaps it could fire neutronium? :3
Let me rephrase what I said real quick: I meant to say theoretically objects still move at absolute zero but even though they can get close they have never gotten to absolute zero.
Not quite. Theoretically even at absolute zero quantum and &atomic particles still move. It is something inherent to any atomic/subatomic particle. If I remember correctly this is part of the uncertainty principle and also Schrodinger’s cat.
Well, did you hear? Recently a group of researchers managed to get negative temperatures (yes, i’m talking in kelvin). If they’re right it could mean that there is a whole new dimension of temperatures that we don’t even know about. Pretty cool stuff.
In short? Because an organization [1] supposed to represent artists in royalitie matters is being a major $%&’* and is actually blocking something by not admitting that it doesn’t belong to them.
is it the video that is sped up or just the game speed or both?
the upgraded Bertha (power ring) i seen the three shots on the same target but if it was randomized do the shells only hit one area per volley or will they shoot 3 different spots?
Nice game and well played, liked the turp filling in the potholes for better use of the playing field.
the shells remain together when fired – they never fire at different spots, it is simply a spread over that target area, weather that be designated by you or something else.
Did you not notice the increased blast radius since the shots were spread out? Also perhaps on levels similar to ones like “Loki” or “All Things” where there is an insane amount of creeper the three shots could be useful to get through all the creeper.
The 3 ring shot wasn’t the most effective for me, I got the benefit of the increased area of effect however in 50-100 dense creeper it takes 2-3 shots to get through that dense of creeper.
It would take that much with a regular bertha too… in fact it would take more, because the damage probably stacks on the intersecting cells of the three shells.
I wasn’t able to see the video because it contains music. The german GEMA has a problem with the rights of the music used.
There my be tricks to see it anyway, but I havent figured it out yet.
Dear Beta Testers: Thank for the videos, but: Please don’t use music on videos. The game speaks for itself.
Most of the time music is used because it adds a much needed sense of feeling to watching the mind blowingly great tactics of a master commander. Um… I may be rambling because of late-night illiteracy after hours of work… but yeah. Music makes it better. It just so happens that people like to make money from music too.
Oh NO!! I can’t watch the video; its got music apparently. I’m living in Germany and they have an organization called GEMA that supposedly ensures that artists get some money for their work. They often block videos when they think the rights for the music haven’t been attained. Instead of this video I get a message saying the UMG-music-content is not available because GEMA hasn’t granted the publishing rights.
Why do the Aerial Exclusion Towers not block the Big Bertha? If it stops shots from a Strafer or Bomber then I would completely expect to be able to block the Big Bertha.
I could explain away mortars by saying they don’t fire high enough in the air to be affected by the AETs.
I thought about that myself and just explained it away by saying that the bertha’s shells are so massive they are able to ‘rip’ through the field 🙂 Though if this is the case it would be awesome if the field actually went down for a second or two afterwards
Aerial Exclusion Towers means that Aerial cannot fire in the respective location.
Bertha is not an air unit(e.g. Mortar can shoot in the AET zone,you can move units here,but the aerial cannot fire there)
P.S. It’s not Big Bertha,it’s just Bertha (Big Bertha is the name of an older post on the blog)
I understand what it means. It blocks shots for the above, which is where the Bertha shots come from after they finish their arc. Anyone who’s seen artillery cannons fire knows those rounds go WAY up in the air before they come landing back down on their target…high enough that you would think the AET would block the Bertha’s shots too.
Mortar’s are a much shorter and lower firing weapon so I could understand why the AET wouldn’t block those.
Also, after seeing many of the recent videos, what is the point of the Sniper Tower anymore? The Strafers seem to do a much better job of dealing with Digitalis and Runners and are FAR more versatile/useful.
Snipers literally have one use that the Strafers can already do (plus a lot more) and the Strafers can easily be called to ANY location quickly.
All I’m saying is the sniper is VERY limited in scope and makes for a nearly pointless unit in the game. It’s a one trick pony. Every other weapon in the game has multiple uses except for the Sniper towers.
I assume its range is the key. I do, however, think it should be 30-40 energy to build since it’s a one-trick pwny. The issue with Strafers I think is that there is a lag in receiving packets. It depletes all its ammo, goes back to base, reloads, and flies back to kill everything. Snipers have a constant stream of packets. Of course I haven’t played so I have no idea how this will balance.
Is there a possibility of being able to see this in real time instead of sped up? This question comes from a place of complete ignorance as to how big of a chore that would be :).
then reload the video, it should load as html 5 video instead of a flash video (quickest way to see: right click, it should say “about html 5” isntead of “about flash player”), if it doesn’t reload skipping cache (ctrl+F5)
when it has loaded as html 5 video the options also have a speed-up/slow down option (it’s together with the quality setting)
Second showcase actually. Since Berthas aren’t supposed to be your front line units and act as heavy support, aiming them yourself allows more strategery.
I know it’s bad juju to ask for a release date so I will spare that. I check back at least daily for anything new. Big fan of the series. Thanks for creating magnificent games. My question is how will we know its out? I’m sure the general population can answer my question. I didn’t have to wait for the second since I was on deployment and it was here when I got back. Will the main website just have 3 games now instead of the two? Thanks for any replies.
Follow and . I always post super important stuff there. You can also use RSS on the blog. I generally don’t send out email since email is an irritation to send in bulk. It’s easy to trip spam detectors, etc.
Seriously, though, follow me on twitter even if you don’t care or monitor it (and tell your buddies to do the same). I’d like to get the follower count up….
Thanks for the reply. So you’ll post on twitter when and how to get the game? And since you took the time to reply, I set up a twitter and followed you no clue how to use it, but your up one person.
Should have went for an extremely brute force attack using the terps. This would create a landbridge and would have take like 2 minutes to get across to the main island and then air raid the rest of the creeper.
they cant they need material to move and VOID is exatly what it is EMPTY SPACE its a little strange but think of it as sand you cant stack stand ontop of a hole in the ground that is bottomless
they cant they need material to move and VOID is exatly what it is EMPTY SPACE its a little strange but think of it as sand you cant stack stand ontop of a hole in the ground that is bottomless
Well, I think the abilities of every unit should be researched
E.g. Bertha’s Autotarget
Ability of units to be repositioned(flying)
Ability of Cannons to fire Runners/Digitalis
Research of the Shield(I find it too much powerful)
And the ability of units to be upgraded(I don’t think it’s needed since we have PZ, but? who knows?)
All of those at a relatively high price
(eg. Bertha’s autotarget could cost 100 packets and 10 Aether;)
(Shield Research(researching not building it) should cost 100 packets and 50 AC)
What do you think, Virgil?
P.S. Give back the Guppye’s Ac/Ore/Packets/Energy options of transport or I will “kill” u 🙂
P.P.S. Those 4’s Guppye’s options could be also researched at a resonable price.
great vid i like it
Thanks! I’ll be sure to have the map uploaded for yall to play.
Thanks a lot Lich98
first time long time watching ya amazed got first post
All in due time, all in due time
Says the man who already has access and is playing the game… 😛
My taught exactly 🙂
(lucky bas…… LOL)
yeah same thing here he is a lucky person
this is just typical of you virgilw… you keep playing the game, having fun and etc. while we can only watch with our jaws open from which occasional droplets come down…
this is so low…
Think about yourself. Release the game!
I’m as ready as everybody else for the game release so I can actually sit down and play it. I hardly get to do that right now since I just do what is necessary to implement and test features. Of course once released, I’ll instantly be pwned by the better players and not be able to hit in the top 10 on most any map 🙂
Greetings random individual. I beseech you, lend me your ear.
Are you tired of being bested by the big boys?
Having trouble keeping your head above the water with all those elitists hogging all the fun?
Well worry no more, for we now have the latest and greatest in self-indulgent tactics.
YesssirrEEEee… I humbly present to you the one, the only: How To Always Get N.O. in highscores, forever. All split into lovely convenient steps just for YOU! Yes YOU!
Step 1) Create a Custom Map, Any Map will do.
Step 2) Completely and utterly obliterate the enemy in the map
Step 3) Never share the map name to anyone anywhere
Step 4) ???
Step 5) Profit
Enjoy your eternal residence among the lords of the realm, however unnoticeable your presence may be.
I have another version:
Step 1) Learn to play efficiently.
I’m glad we got to see large scale Terraforming projects in this update. It gives a better feel for the power they have and how long it takes.
Also PZ Bertha = 3 shots /excitement
Wait. Are those PZ or normal? The last time we saw Berthas in action was last fall. Still, THREE SHOT VOLLEY OMG OMG OMG!
You took the words out of my mouth :). Too bad PZ bertha’s full potential wasn’t brought forth here… The creeper wasn’t dense enough for the 3 shots to make much of a differance compared to one. Still, neato!
Something I was wondering about while watching—would it ever make a difference? That is, I thought that each Bertha shell destroyed *all* creeper within a certain radius; at least, that’s what it looks like in the “Big Bertha” blog post. If that’s the case, three shots does almost nothing more than one shot (just a slightly wider destruction zone in one dimension due to the spread of the shots). Maybe Bertha shells have been changed to only destroy a certain depth of creeper? If not, it seems like the Bertha PZ bonus should be changed to, say, just faster fire rate and/or lower energy consumption.
Bertha shots only destroy 50 levels of creeper iirc.
Perhaps a PZ Bertha’s three shells can hit a larger area. Spread them out a bit more and thereby hit more creeper.
I remember reading somewhere some time ago, that the Bertha cuts 45 levels or something like that(and since we have never seen creeper so deep, that’s why we think it destroys all.
I have a question, if you set the Bertha to auto-fire, will it also fire the 3 shot burst in 1 place, or will it use it on 3 different areas?
The 3 shots are always fired in the triangle shown in the video and yes the bertha 3 shot is more effective on denser creeper but in my case i just got a wider area of effect
I believe in an earlier video Bertha’s were placed on the PZ, yes the creeper wasn’t that thick and I did sorta overuse the bertha but hey I had extra energy
id just like to hear an eta on a finished product so all us happy gamers can get in action.
ive pretty much seen everything and yeah u get a feeling of how things work.
but would rather try it my self cus that gives u the REAL feeling.
The only thing I have ever committed to is “this year”. Do I expect that to mean Dec 31, 2013? No… I expect before that. Do I mean next week? No, I expect after that. As soon as I say something like “weeks”, or a “month or two” it gets turned into ‘imminent’ and I start getting harassed even more for a date. I feel the pressure to release, believe me 🙂 I’m as anxious as anybody to light this candle.
So all I can really say is that I am entering the polish phase rapidly, finishing off some important things like a key mapper, working on story missions, and fixing bugs as they are discovered. Will I spend a month doing this or six? I can’t say, as I don’t know the answer.
Love ya!
Since I’ve never really said anything here before now, I’ll just say that I’m the guy that keeps a browser window open to the blog to check at least once a day for any news. On top of that, I’m perfectly happy waiting patiently until it’s complete and ready to be released, whenever that happens to be.
I can’t help but notice all of the pressure from users looking for a quick release, not that I really see anything wrong with that. What I’m certain that nobody else really notices is just how many people just watch and wait patiently and keep silent.
I’d just like to say that I’m anticipating the release date as much as anyone I’m sure, but for what it’s worth, I hope you don’t feel like you have to kill yourself in the process to get it done as quick as possible. I hope you have as much fun making at as we all do playing it.
Dunno about you, I have an RSS feed for this blog (which means I get notified when new posts come out, no need to keep the tab open and manually check :D)
I take your perpetually open tab and raise you one .htm file with links to about every site I visit as a homepage. And the link to this blog is the very first thing (mostly because “blog” is the first section and “knuckle” the first link alphabetically) on it. 😉
And to paraphrase a certain Mr. Wall at the end of Dungeon Novice: It will absolutely be released this year, almost certainly in the first half, and probably in the first quarter. You have 7 months. Tick tock. (seriously, though, take your time and don’t rush it)
Follow on Twitter, add mobile notification and voilà !
Instant accès to mew post 🙂
Psychology lesson 101
“As soon as I say something like “weeks”, or a “month or two” it gets turned into ‘imminent’ and I start getting harassed even more for a date. ”
Its probably month or two 😀
Thanks for letting us know where things are at!
Good God in heaven. It will come out when it comes out. Asking him every week when it will come out doesn’t make it happen any faster.
And telling people not to ask every week isn’t going to stop them. Unless virgil comes out and says ‘Guys, stop it.’ I would take it as encouragement that so many people are so eager for release.
I think the only way it’s going to stop is if Virgil declines those posts. They all have to be approved by him, therefore if he disapproves, they won’t show up.
I will not ask for a release date because I know that you will release it when it is ready, so I will ask, Is it ready??
It looks amazing, new strategies and for what you showed in previous videos, enormous replay.
Thank you for all the amazing work you have done, and thank you for all the work you are doing to publish this game when it is ready.
It’s more ready today than yesterday, but not yet complete. I’m really not be nit-picky about the release. I’m adding things that must be there before the release and working on the story.
I can’t wait to get this game. I am still playing “Creeper World: Evermore” each day! (For some reason I find it more entertaining then CW2)
Knowing “Game 3” will arrive sometime “this year” is good enough for me. In worst case it gets to be a christmas present to myself! Keep up the good work!
How fast was the video sped up?
Thanks! It was a lot of fun to create. I sped the video up at 4X speed. It took me a total of 52 real minutes unpaused of game to beat. I’d say I spent an hour beating it and that same time creating it. I messed up the filming of my creation because I was going to include that in the video…
yea, CW1>CW2
CW2>CW1 because fields.
I don’t feel that CW1 or CW2 is any better than the other, perfectly. In my mind, they are different games that are simply co-habituating the same universe. I loved the play style of CW1 better than 2, but felt that the units of two were much better.
Oh, also, I noticed whenever the game was paused, the creeper would shade differently. Is this a bug? Personally, I don’t like the shading. I enjoy seeing where dense creeper is compared to thin, especially when targeting and such. Still a fantastic game! Looks better every time I see it! Keep up the good work!
The color is different because I used a key to lower the shades to see the ground underneath when placing units so I could find flat land. The normal colors stay as paused. I just needed to be able to see where I was placing the units. 😛
Good to know that’s available! Good job on the play through!
Thanks. I never did realize how dense the creeper could get to need to use that key, it was tough to efficently place units!
This looks very exciting! The map looked like it was a bit of a battle.
I was hoping for a July 1st release date, but seeing Virgil’s comments above I’m afraid that’s not in the cards. I guess we’ll have to wait another couple of months.
Virgil, is it possible you will have pre-orders? I would like to play on the first day when it comes out. But, because I have no credit card my bank transaction will take several working days to complete. Add a weekend in that and I’m looking at a week of waiting.
Just deposit around 25$ on Paypal 1 week before the release and you will be good to go for the big day 😉
That’s actually a good idea!
Awesome! there were times the clicking to move or build items coincided with the rhythm of the music.
I could watch the Terps work all day long. The way they work together and build up layer by layer I find fun to watch. When I get my hands on the game i am going to build a blank map with energy and lots of terps and let them teraform the whole map from level 1-10. why? because I can. 🙂
I will make a video for Virgil that shows the power of the terps if you would like, it would be up to his decision to release the video being that the game is in beta. I will make this however.
I would watch it. Like I said earlier, The power of the Terraformers is impressive. Probably my favorite thing that I’ve seen for CW3.
Too impressive. They need to take up a ton more energy.
–> m = E / c^2
Or in other words… You need a LOT of energy to make matter.
The proper formula is actually E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4. E=mc^2 does not take into account the object’s movement because all objects move even when at absolute zero (theoretically they can’t get absolute zero but very close). Anyway this is the future. The blasters are giant if you think about it because they are roughly 1/9 the size of the OCs and those are probably about the same size as Odin city and that held 50k people. The blasters are probably on the magnitude of terra-electronvolts (the energy required to smash atoms in the Large Hadron Collider). Who knows and since they can destroy huge amounts of matter maybe they are even on the scale of peta or even zetta-electronvolts. So I would say that creating matter isn’t an issue. Oh and a reccomendation to VW: if you still haven’t decided what makes the Aether Forge’s weapon so powerful (i’m guessing it is uber powerful at least lol) perhaps it could fire neutronium? :3
Let me rephrase what I said real quick: I meant to say theoretically objects still move at absolute zero but even though they can get close they have never gotten to absolute zero.
The whole point of Absolute Zero is the temperature at which atomic particles cease to move.
At least, that’s what I was taught.
Not quite. Theoretically even at absolute zero quantum and &atomic particles still move. It is something inherent to any atomic/subatomic particle. If I remember correctly this is part of the uncertainty principle and also Schrodinger’s cat.
Touche. I’ll not claim to know everything 😀
Well, did you hear? Recently a group of researchers managed to get negative temperatures (yes, i’m talking in kelvin). If they’re right it could mean that there is a whole new dimension of temperatures that we don’t even know about. Pretty cool stuff.
Interesting. I think I may have to google that and read up on it 🙂
I looked this up because it sounded like the stupidest thing I had ever heard and I thought you were totally wrong.
You are not. Negative absolute temperatures are real.
Go home science, you’re drunk.
It won’t let me reply to me_me_me directly, but I concur, googling shall be done.
Not available due to the GEMA, F*$%&#
Incase we have Germans not used to the GEMA’s antics:
In the Credits it says “Bach’s Empfidungen”, maybe you meant “Empfindungen”? (which would mean emotions)
Besides any nagging: C.W. 3 … Awesome as always!
I did, sorry that was a mistype on my part, would you know why Germany has the video blocked? I just saw that myself…
In short? Because an organization [1] supposed to represent artists in royalitie matters is being a major $%&’* and is actually blocking something by not admitting that it doesn’t belong to them.
If you want it a bit longer, there is a Wikipedia article about it:
Thanks for the gameplay, the background music was very nice but not what i’d prefer to listen to while watching someone dominate the creeper 🙂
I think we both watched too much Game of thrones 😉
Have a nice one.
I was just playing and lost 25 units unexpectedly when some shields failed. You know what they call that in Westeros? A wedding!
Hahaha, excelent ^^
You made my day sir
hahaha nice =P
finally, a referance i understand =D
is it the video that is sped up or just the game speed or both?
the upgraded Bertha (power ring) i seen the three shots on the same target but if it was randomized do the shells only hit one area per volley or will they shoot 3 different spots?
Nice game and well played, liked the turp filling in the potholes for better use of the playing field.
I sped the video up in Movie Maker. It is at 4X Speed. Virgil will have to answer your other question
the shells remain together when fired – they never fire at different spots, it is simply a spread over that target area, weather that be designated by you or something else.
thanks for the answer 🙂
Coming from a guy who has been mesmerized by classic music since childhood, this clip blew me away.
I have to ask what good does a triple bertha shot do if as it sounds they are all focused on the same place?
Did you not notice the increased blast radius since the shots were spread out? Also perhaps on levels similar to ones like “Loki” or “All Things” where there is an insane amount of creeper the three shots could be useful to get through all the creeper.
The vid was playing really fast, so not I did not.
When I read “3 shots”, I somehow assumed by total brain fart each shell was going to land on the same exact cell.
The 3 ring shot wasn’t the most effective for me, I got the benefit of the increased area of effect however in 50-100 dense creeper it takes 2-3 shots to get through that dense of creeper.
It would take that much with a regular bertha too… in fact it would take more, because the damage probably stacks on the intersecting cells of the three shells.
I think it would be more effective to have perhaps 2 shells that were more spread out. How often are we going to encounter creeper 50 layers deep?
Many times. ‘Nough said.
Why everytime I dream that the next day will come a new Game-3 update, it becomes true?
Anyways, great game, hope to see it out soon!
your mind is connected with this site so you dont need to type in the adress in your browser everyday…
I wasn’t able to see the video because it contains music. The german GEMA has a problem with the rights of the music used.
There my be tricks to see it anyway, but I havent figured it out yet.
Dear Beta Testers: Thank for the videos, but: Please don’t use music on videos. The game speaks for itself.
A user posted about this above: Incase we have Germans not used to the GEMA’s antics:
I just read the other comment. Sorry about duping that. The GEMA thing is a huge problem with youtube in general.
Most of the time music is used because it adds a much needed sense of feeling to watching the mind blowingly great tactics of a master commander. Um… I may be rambling because of late-night illiteracy after hours of work… but yeah. Music makes it better. It just so happens that people like to make money from music too.
is there any chance that all of these videos can be in the final game so we can watch them and be all nostalgic?
Oh NO!! I can’t watch the video; its got music apparently. I’m living in Germany and they have an organization called GEMA that supposedly ensures that artists get some money for their work. They often block videos when they think the rights for the music haven’t been attained. Instead of this video I get a message saying the UMG-music-content is not available because GEMA hasn’t granted the publishing rights.
Any chance there’s a version without music?
A user posted about this above: Incase we have Germans not used to the GEMA’s antics:
Why do the Aerial Exclusion Towers not block the Big Bertha? If it stops shots from a Strafer or Bomber then I would completely expect to be able to block the Big Bertha.
I could explain away mortars by saying they don’t fire high enough in the air to be affected by the AETs.
The AETs create restricted airspace, not an actual shield.
I thought about that myself and just explained it away by saying that the bertha’s shells are so massive they are able to ‘rip’ through the field 🙂 Though if this is the case it would be awesome if the field actually went down for a second or two afterwards
Aerial Exclusion Towers means that Aerial cannot fire in the respective location.
Bertha is not an air unit(e.g. Mortar can shoot in the AET zone,you can move units here,but the aerial cannot fire there)
P.S. It’s not Big Bertha,it’s just Bertha (Big Bertha is the name of an older post on the blog)
I understand what it means. It blocks shots for the above, which is where the Bertha shots come from after they finish their arc. Anyone who’s seen artillery cannons fire knows those rounds go WAY up in the air before they come landing back down on their target…high enough that you would think the AET would block the Bertha’s shots too.
Mortar’s are a much shorter and lower firing weapon so I could understand why the AET wouldn’t block those.
Also, after seeing many of the recent videos, what is the point of the Sniper Tower anymore? The Strafers seem to do a much better job of dealing with Digitalis and Runners and are FAR more versatile/useful.
Snipers literally have one use that the Strafers can already do (plus a lot more) and the Strafers can easily be called to ANY location quickly.
What if the runners originate from a point under an AET? Strafer’s not going to be much use then.
Eventually they come out of the AET, don’t they?
All I’m saying is the sniper is VERY limited in scope and makes for a nearly pointless unit in the game. It’s a one trick pony. Every other weapon in the game has multiple uses except for the Sniper towers.
I assume its range is the key. I do, however, think it should be 30-40 energy to build since it’s a one-trick pwny. The issue with Strafers I think is that there is a lag in receiving packets. It depletes all its ammo, goes back to base, reloads, and flies back to kill everything. Snipers have a constant stream of packets. Of course I haven’t played so I have no idea how this will balance.
That looks like a fun map!
Is there a possibility of being able to see this in real time instead of sped up? This question comes from a place of complete ignorance as to how big of a chore that would be :).
You can do a little hack to see it slower:
join the “html5 beta” of youtube,
then reload the video, it should load as html 5 video instead of a flash video (quickest way to see: right click, it should say “about html 5” isntead of “about flash player”), if it doesn’t reload skipping cache (ctrl+F5)
when it has loaded as html 5 video the options also have a speed-up/slow down option (it’s together with the quality setting)
Thanks for that Toboe!! Now I can follow all the action 🙂
yes it can but its common practice to make something like this speed it up and thow a music track ontop of it so it doesn’t take so long to watch
Is the Bertha able to auto-aim the point with the highest creeper amount on the map?
It can, that was demonstrated in the original showcase of the Berthas.
Second showcase actually. Since Berthas aren’t supposed to be your front line units and act as heavy support, aiming them yourself allows more strategery.
My mistake, I was thinking about the right video, but had forgotten about the actual first Bertha video /derp
I know it’s bad juju to ask for a release date so I will spare that. I check back at least daily for anything new. Big fan of the series. Thanks for creating magnificent games. My question is how will we know its out? I’m sure the general population can answer my question. I didn’t have to wait for the second since I was on deployment and it was here when I got back. Will the main website just have 3 games now instead of the two? Thanks for any replies.
Actually, that is a good question. Is there an email list we can sign up for to be notified of the game’s release?
Follow and . I always post super important stuff there. You can also use RSS on the blog. I generally don’t send out email since email is an irritation to send in bulk. It’s easy to trip spam detectors, etc.
Seriously, though, follow me on twitter even if you don’t care or monitor it (and tell your buddies to do the same). I’d like to get the follower count up….
I don’t do twitter, but already liked you on FB. 🙂
I only use twit for important stuff. Following the CW series qualifies as way important.
Thanks for the reply. So you’ll post on twitter when and how to get the game? And since you took the time to reply, I set up a twitter and followed you no clue how to use it, but your up one person.
Do you know if the browse method of custom map will be updated ?
It’s a bit tought to find our path in the actual one. There is almost no filter.
I would love to be able to order them by ratio(like/dislike) or simply by note.
Thanks guys !
Is it just me, or was that opening gambit a bit pathetic?
Should have went for an extremely brute force attack using the terps. This would create a landbridge and would have take like 2 minutes to get across to the main island and then air raid the rest of the creeper.
I don’t think it has been established whether or not the terp and terraform void.
they cant they need material to move and VOID is exatly what it is EMPTY SPACE its a little strange but think of it as sand you cant stack stand ontop of a hole in the ground that is bottomless
If you talk about terps ability to terraform void, then it should consume MORE energy than USUAL
And need to have a 1-high level terain
Virgilw- How long had you been working on CW3 before revealing it to the public last year?
they cant they need material to move and VOID is exatly what it is EMPTY SPACE its a little strange but think of it as sand you cant stack stand ontop of a hole in the ground that is bottomless
Well, I think the abilities of every unit should be researched
E.g. Bertha’s Autotarget
Ability of units to be repositioned(flying)
Ability of Cannons to fire Runners/Digitalis
Research of the Shield(I find it too much powerful)
And the ability of units to be upgraded(I don’t think it’s needed since we have PZ, but? who knows?)
All of those at a relatively high price
(eg. Bertha’s autotarget could cost 100 packets and 10 Aether;)
(Shield Research(researching not building it) should cost 100 packets and 50 AC)
What do you think, Virgil?
P.S. Give back the Guppye’s Ac/Ore/Packets/Energy options of transport or I will “kill” u 🙂
P.P.S. Those 4’s Guppye’s options could be also researched at a resonable price.
In later patches/game 4
I’m so looking forward to CW3.
It looks like everything I ever wanted in a successor to CW1(gameplay wise).