<=[[cw4:info:start#custom_units| Index]] ====== HiddenProcessor ====== {{:cw4:cmod:docs:hiddenprocessor.jpg?400|}} ====== For Map Makers ====== There should only be one on the map at any point in time, otherwise you will get unexpected behavior. This unit hides itself on the first update frame. So players should never see it. This unit keeps track of recharging the orbital powers, that can then be called in by [[cw4:cmod:docs:3b48f118-b1ea-473c-b789-3d3286ad90fe|CommShips]]. To setup how much orbitals powers the players starts with, or how fast they recharge, or what their max is, edit the script variables on this unit. <=[[cw4:info:start#custom_units| Index]]