<- [[crpl:crplreference| CRPL reference]] <- [[crpl:crplreference#terrain_and_wall_commands|Terrain and Wall Commands]] ===== GetVoid ===== ^Arguments^Result^Notation^ |X, Y|0 or 1. |''x1 y1 -- i1 ''| === Description === If the terrain cell is void space or out of bounds, a 1 is pushed to the stack, 0 otherwise. === Examples === Every 2 seconds, find a random non-void coordinate on the map and add 8 creeper on it: GetTimer0 eq0 if 60 SetTimer0 1 ->isVoid while <-isVoid repeat RandCoords ->y ->x <-x <-y GetVoid ->isVoid <-isVoid not if <-x <-y 8 AddCreeper endif endwhile endif