<- [[crpl:crplreference| CRPL reference]] <- [[crpl:crplreference#digitalis_Commands|Digitalis Commands]] ===== GetDigitalis ===== ^Arguments^Result^Notation^ |X, Y|Amount of Digitalis at Coordinates |''x1 y1 -- f1 ''| === Description === Pushes the amount of digitalis at map coordinates X,Y. Digitalis will be between 0 and 1. 0 means no Digitalis is present and 1 means full health Digitalis is present. === Examples === # Sets 20 creeper at the current coords if there is active digitalis every 2 seconds once 60 SetTimer0 endonce CurrentCoords GetDigitalis 1 eq if GetTimer0 eq0 if CurrentCoords 20 SetCreeper 60 SetTimer0 endif endif