~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] * [[4rpl:commands:getunitgrowsmesh|Get]] * [[4rpl:commands:setunitgrowsmesh|Set]] :!: Available in version 2.0 and later. ====== SetUnitGrowsMesh ====== SetUnitGrowsMesh(<-unit true) ===== Description ===== Sets if a unit causes mesh to grow when over it. For instance, the emitter will cause mesh to grow. Custom units (or any unit) can have the GrowsMesh attribute and if so it will cause mesh to grow (turn from gray to blue) when over it. Note that the emitter by default sets this attribute every time it is created/loaded. All other units do not set this attribute by default. ===== Examples ===== SetUnitGrowsMesh(self true) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]