~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] \\ <= [[4rpl:start#Messaging]] :!: Available in version 1.3 and later. ====== RegisterScript====== RegisterScript(<-name) ===== Description ===== Registers the current script instance with a name. This name can be used with [[GetRegisteredScriptVar]]. If the same name is used as another script instance, this call will deregister the other script instance and replace it with the new one. A script on a unit is a unique instance. Each global script instance is also unique. :!: Note that registering a script is NOT persistent. It will not be saved in a save game file. You must reregister a script. ===== Examples ===== RegisterScript("MyScript") === See Also === [[DeregisterScript]] === Discussion === This was added to CW4 as an attempt to give a similar API to what was in CW3. [[|Messaging]] is likely the better option in most cases. This works a lot like messaging. There is a global map and RegisterScript adds an entry into that map with the name you specify and the script it is called from. So it stores a named reference to a script instance in a global map, Get/SetRegiseredScriptVar looks up that instance in the map and then Gets/Sets a var on it. So if you have a Foo script attached to Unit A and Foo calls RegisterScript("AName"), that will be a problem if another instance of Unit A runs Foo and it does the same thing. So Foo would more likely call RegisterScript("AName:" self concat) or something like that. And the only reason it would ever call RegisterScript would be so some other script could get/set some variable on it It makes most sense in a scenario where there is a single global script. Maybe "MapController". That script calls RegisterScript("MapController"). Then other scripts anywhere can call Get/SetRegisteredScriptVar("MapController" ...) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]