Custom Map: Secret Labs Day 8

Started by AutoPost, January 30, 2011, 01:45:52 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Secret Labs Day 8

Author: Link327

Maybe its easier than map #7
You have enough space, and much more Creeper here :p
When you captured second part of the lab, its game over for the creeper.
(If you build 20(I think 10 would do it to) mortars in range of the elevation level 1 pool, emitter wont get higher than that.


Very nicely done.
Mortars are definitely your best friend!
Thank you for putting it together.

snowmaker (JM)

This was easier, but the timing before the wall decomposed was about the same time  ;) Nice map.


I have created next, only testing it then I'll upload.
It will be something like the first 6 maps, but...... there is something new^^

snowmaker (JM)

I had to retry the map... and ended up building mortars faster than I planned.