Custom Map: Drinking From a fire hose

Started by AutoPost, October 05, 2010, 10:18:51 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Drinking From a fire hose

Author: themaskedcrusader

[Heed this advice! - Ed.]Do not connect to all the reactors! If you do, you'll tank the game's performance. At most, connect to enough to collect 30 something energy. You'll most likely have to destroy a few reactors to beat the level.


I don't understand the point in the "advice" in the description. Whether you collect 32 energy or 3200 makes no difference to the score or to one's chances of finishing the map.


If you connect all the reactors, the game lags intolerably.  Try it. Then connect to fewer reactors (or desttry the majority of them) so total energy collection is only 32 units/second.  Not so much lag.


Karsten: It makes no difference to the score or to the chances of winning. Did you read my message before deciding to reply to it?

Also, independently of that, this is a pretty easy map... it is as easy as it looked, contrary to what the description claimed...


Quote from: Timwi on October 05, 2010, 04:15:54 PM
Karsten: It makes no difference to the score or to the chances of winning. Did you read my message before deciding to reply to it?

Also, independently of that, this is a pretty easy map... it is as easy as it looked, contrary to what the description claimed...

Yes, I did read your message. And I understand that it makes no difference to the eventual score. It *does* however, make a difference to the playability of the map. It is easier to play the map when there aren't second-long pauses between events.

Perhaps your problem is that even though you read the "advice", you did not understand what it meant?  You know, the part about "tank the game's performance"?


No, I understood what it meant, and of course I experienced it myself (although I didn't experience "second-long" pauses; the game was just slower, just like in many other maps that have excessive numbers of units). I'm just questioning the claim that "You'll most likely have to destroy a few reactors to beat the level", which is clearly not true.


I think that refers to people like me! :) I didn't follow the advice and I quit without completing the level. I couldn't stand the jerky gameplay.

So technically I didn't beat the level, even though I had like 90+ energy and was in a dominant position vis-a-vis the Creeper.


"most likely have to destroy some reactors" refers to people like me too, who find it very difficult to get up to the next tier while it's covered in creeper. I had to remove some reactors and setup some mortars to clear off the area so I wasn't landing in deep creeper.

I also take SPIFFEN's stand on rating maps, difficulty is subjective. Some seriously advanced players will find even the hardest of maps relatively easy. SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.

While I agree, I at least give my maps a relative difficulty.  A map that's hard for one is easy for a more advanced player.


even on double down, the fire hose never threatens to do much damage. finished 4:14 double down, and lost only 3 or 5 unplugged reactors.
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.