Custom Map #4394: Glaucus's Empire. By: Glaucus

Started by AutoPost, April 25, 2017, 12:03:10 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4394: Glaucus's Empire

Author: Glaucus
Size: 200x100

Link has been corrupted by the Evil Platypus King while using sort of purple jelly. Will you be able to save Link with the power of true friendship? Find out here @_@ C:


The graphics are superb, nice work. The gameplay is a little limited though as you basicaly sit and wait for the expensive units to build until you can attack with any conviction.

The early AOO also allows you to...

Spoiler a CN next to the inhibitor, fire a PZ bertha and a freeze and game over.

It is then just a clean up mission. I did not use any of the aether packets or the top right AOOs. If I played again I would put all upgrades into build speed and concentrate on getting the PZ bertha built ASAP.