Custom Map #4354: 4353 test. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, April 07, 2017, 02:37:41 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4354: 4353 test

Author: builder17
Size: 20x20

#Vanilla Don't get swamped on creeper, there is no safe space to build into. Constructive critism welcome to forum thread, thanks.

Johnny Haywire

Yeah, this one is a lot better. The creeper moves pretty fast so you have to get some weapons asap - I'd recommend sacrificing a few resource packs to make room for some blasters & mortars.

Might try this again with a different approach to see if it works better.
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i cant seem to do it i need those resource packs
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To win, very fast reflexes and some tricks are required

Moving mortar when it's low on health helps

This becomes unwinnable pretty fastly

Johnny Haywire

I don't know about "fast reflexes" but you can always pause and then press and hold "N" to make the game slowly advance. It's so much easier like that it will almost feel like you're cheating.  ;)

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Guess I should've disable pause button, tho that would cause much rage-quits?

Johnny Haywire

Ha! That's cool (to me, at least) in a lot of maps but I dunno about this one. Still, you could maybe play it at 1x speed and be ok I suppose. But that's especially tough for people who play this game and remember when Star Wars came out in the theater. The fingers tend to slow down - as does the ol' brain - at a certain point, yanno.  :o
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you have one starting siphon

build two rows of siphons on each side of CN
keep some siphons on the edge of the map, but destroy resource pack on the ones that touch the creeper and some more to build 2 more blasters.
put blasters in front, build 2 reactors
build 2 blasters
build 2 reactors
the creeper now is only near the emitter
build a siphon and destroy resource pack for nullifier spot
nullify to win