Custom Map #1876: 4th times a charm. By: Doogie

Started by AutoPost, March 18, 2015, 05:42:38 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1876: 4th times a charm

Author: Doogie
Size: 150x150

this is a lvl using the big emiters from doogie's lvl elete legend, project dalpharion, nalairions lair and gaurdian of souls this lvl is very difficult and long Enjoy! (Feel free to comment and rate)


I didn't find it interesting to have 3 emitters plopped on top of me.   Forget that.


Yeah, while it is possible to do this, it is really not fun to have spores and emitters dropped right on your base. You should put at least an exclusion zone for those drops right around the main center island, or raise the nullifier cap up from 1.


Insane map, loved it. The map just seemed to get progressively more evil, your one sick puppy!

10 out of 10, great challenge!


I understand why nullifiers have been limited to one, but it does make the repeated clean-up phases much slower and more tedious than is good for an otherwise fun game.
Some hints
the southwest superemitter will wake up after ten minutes. Snipers kill it slowly. It might be possible to nullify it first, but unlikely to help in the long run
Flood the central area with AC to stop any emitters that sprout there doing much damage
Upgrade build-speed
Build lots of berthas in the moat


I knew you'd come along and beat my time RrR!

I was a bit frustrated with the 1 nullifier limit but fully appreciate it, it was very interesting to have to decide weather to take out the one troublesome emitter in the middle of your base or take out 9 using a power zone so that you could progress, there was a constant decision making process of balancing preserving your base vs moving forward.

I think you prob could get a time well under an hour but don't know if I can face it/ have the spare time!


I would add a couple of tips, the bottom left corner is very easy to take, especially with a bertha. This then gives you a lot of PZs to put snipers on to take out the moving evil emitter.
Build extra generators at every opportunity and spread them out.
Build your forge in the AC moat
The bottom right emitter confused me for a while, you have it land a sniper next to it and then it takes off causing mass damage.
Basically the bottom two emitters are killed with snipers, the top two need nullifying about 5 times and move between each hit causing havoc (but no where near as much as the bottom right one, kill this last