Custom Map #1711: Nuhage N#59. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, February 05, 2015, 10:21:39 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1711: Nuhage N#59

Author: Nuhages
Size: 150x150

Play as Creeper Map N#6 ... Please read warning below. Have Fun. Feel Free To Rate and comment on Forum. Credits For PaC coding goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. All you need for building a Pac map is on the Forum. #PAC Please note that this map will be a very long fight. (and frustrating again) You are not welcome on this planet and Abraxis will let you know. Get prepared.


I have a day off and had a lot to get done today, I have a feeling I am not going to achieve much this morning!  :P Looks epic!



looks good, but how do you leave the rectangle left of starting point?

i conquered it, but i cant go north or south from there (to far for ground creeper and their airdefence i cant break ...),  i tryed go over the void to the right, but also didint work ...

i think i need help here ...


Your PAC maps have been great so far, but I wasn't a fan of this one.

It felt annoying that one spore tower could shoot down 15 spores all timed to arrive at the same moment. Herding creeper around to get it three times as far as the flow tool can go is not fun when the screen is full of Bertha crosshairs.

The map finally came down to setting up a creeper supply line and scrubbing over and over with the digitalis tool until a lucky combination of breaks happened with the berthas and bombers, and the digitalis could advance a few more pixels...

Maybe I'm just bad at PAC, but this map was too slow and grindy for my taste.


Quote from: Thufir on February 06, 2015, 09:30:11 PM
looks good, but how do you leave the rectangle left of starting point?

i conquered it, but i cant go north or south from there (to far for ground creeper and their airdefence i cant break ...),  i tryed go over the void to the right, but also didint work ...

i think i need help here ...

The south bank is actually thinner than the top and a lot easier to take. Aim all your spores just to the left of the bottom platform (initialy has a mortar, shield and cannon on it), just out of range of the two southerly beams on PZs. The use field to push down and take out most of the mortars and then take out the central canon. You can then cut the supply chain. I used the same technique to take the top but it required more pushing of creeper. Once you have the top and bottom take the right hand beams on PZs by forcing creeper though the gaps at the very top and bottom of the screen (easy to miss these gaps but they make it very easy to knock out the beams).

Taking out the items in the very top and bottom right is straight forward, then use the corners to push down and take out all of the ore mines. You have to do this at both the top and the btoom to make the sprayers inactive. You can then push into the middle with relative ease.

Certainly a challenge but not too frustrating once you work out the method, I disagree it is all about luck as well. Fair play to Nuhages, he did put  a disclaimer on it!



great map.

finaly did it, took 4hours, but got it done!.

thx dom

(although after i got down i immediately go right and destroy most of the ore mines, wich makes north a lot easier ... also after that the enemy got energie-promblems, which is also helpfull)


Which PZ do you have as spore towers when you push south?  I can't seem to get enough spore to land next to the antiair and still keep my area clear of rebuilding.