Custom Map: Deception

Started by AutoPost, April 17, 2010, 03:48:19 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Deception

Author: Xylnalya

Tough terrain, varying Emitters, some Spores with just few spaces for SAMs and low energy in general. The only hope are those three drone stations and a mine belt as last defense.


As all of you I thought this map to be impossible, but guess what, after replaying it I think it isn't.

Just to give you all an idea here's a screenshot.



Not playing my own maps throughly caught me on this one. I'd usually only build to a certain stage to test something out and then just think about how I'd actually end the map. Back then, I was sure this map would be beatable, but now months later I can't figure out how I imagined the proper way.
I wonder how this would go out, especially without the reactors when the five emitters kick in proper.


I don't think they would've been a problem, a bit after this screenshot I had enough power to launch the drone so I'd have survived unfrotunatly one of those spores hit the wrong place, destroyed the capping of the emitter and everything was lost, but since then I was already busy working my way to the eastern emitters I know it's possible.