CRPL questions: camera and disabling keys

Started by stewbasic, October 21, 2013, 07:48:47 PM

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First off, are the scripts for the credits level available anywhere? If so I think it would answer my questions.

If not,
* What command is used to make the camera follow the player in the credits level? I can't see any related to this in the reference.
* The zoom key does nothing in this level. Similarly the pause key is disabled in virgilw:brain. Which command is used to do that (or does GetKey consume key messages?)


You can start the credits mission, save it, then create a new project in the editor and replace the 'save.cw3' file in your new project with the save you created from the credits.  When you do this, the editor will auto extract out all of the scripts for the mission and put them in files for you.  This way you can look at everything in the credits.

There is some good stuff in there including the answer to all of your questions.  What I'd really like to do is to make a starting toolkit for making missions of this type.  Basically a collection of scripts you can attach to make a walking character.  As is, though, you can take the scripts from the credits mission and use them to make another map that is like the credits but with a different dungeon.



Related question: Is there a command to set camera zoom, analogous to SetCameraPosition?