Weekly 5-Map Tournament - Stages of the Big Bang - Closing 2012-7-29

Started by deety42, July 23, 2012, 10:19:52 PM

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With Wheatmidge away and no news from The Master, I, the lowly third place winner, am posting the next tournament.  If The Master would like, next time he beats me, I'll cede the job to him. 

Here it is.  There is a pretty good explanation of each of these stages on Wikipedia.  My favorites are

  • The Planck Epoch (too short a span of time to be measureable -- the first 10E-43 seconds of the universe
  • Recombination -- about 377,000 years after the big bang, when the first atoms start to form as electrons are captured by H and He ions
  • The Dark Ages -- when photons still interacted with matter to such an extent that the universe was opaque.

Map Name:Size:Complexity:
The Planck EpochSmallLow
Grand UnificationMediumLow
Supersymmetry BreakingLargeMedium
The Dark AgesMediumMedium


You left out my favorite: the "Oh-Shkmf#*t" - that tiny instant between your locked car door slamming and you realizing your keys are in it.


Ah, yes.  The alternative theory I find most compelling involves the same scenario and the car trunk.  It's called pretty much the same thing though.


Current High Scores:
1: Martin   58214
2: the master   58202
3: dt42   57573
4: Katra   56823
5: UoADeadeye   52455
6: inept_celt   49905
7: ctuna   45277*
8: Ekira84   30467*
9: Pakars   23189*

* Did not finish all 5 missions.