[Bug] Exchange map selection

Started by Tarmandan, September 30, 2016, 06:13:40 PM

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Currently there are 62 maps in exchange. When I enter exchange the selection screen jumps to map 40. When I abort or win a map above forty, it jumps to map 40. When I abort or win a map below 40, it jumps to the mission I just played instead, like intended.
Edit: numbering according to x/62. So map 40 means map #24.


Are you using the grid or carousel view?
Also, trying clicking on the details for a map higher than 40 (just click Details to view more about the map).  Then exit the exchange and re-enter.  See if that changes where it jumps to.


I am using the Carousel. Just tried grid and that seems to work fine.
I tried clicking details, then exiting exchange and entering again. For those higher it jumped to 40, for those lower it jumped to the map of which I clicked Deatials. If not clicking details it always jumps to map 40.
Also, it is now more than 62 maps, but still jumps to map 40/x, which of course now is a different map than yesterday.


I am experiencing the same issue: a jump to the 40th most recent map in the Exchange, regardless of what I most recently played. The number in <ExchangePanel> in GameSettings.xml is correct. Grid view shows the correct maps. I don't recall what the behaviour was when my most recent map was less than 40 maps down the list.

Currently this "default" is at map #198, at position 40/234. My most recently completed map is #174 at this point, and the most recently uploaded map is #237.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


The current in-beta version should address some of these issues. What version are you observing this on?


Currently I am running the 1.01 build.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.