Custom Map #8431: island void [medium/hard]. By: Skyreader

Started by AutoPost, May 22, 2020, 03:25:22 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8431: island void [medium/hard]

Author: Skyreader
Size: 128x255

Could be laggy due to multiple oremnines.


This is a more worth map than the previous difficulty version of it.

Still leaves a bit of feeling "been there, done that already" as one progresses over the terraces,
and of course the Lag does get a bit nasty after a while.
Especially when the 280+ Berthas decide to launch another salvo.

Still, it was a quite enjoyable 20 minutes.


Thanks for feedback. Again, it was a quick edit of previous map, most time was spent in placing the ores next to each other one by one manually, so you can mass build them while playing.
I have another idea where you only get ores and have to fill digitalis to reach the inhibitor. Lets see how that works out. It shouldnt take more then 20 minutes to build.