Custom Map #202: 1.5 Fire Temple

Started by AutoPost, September 15, 2011, 12:01:02 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #202: 1.5 Fire Temple

Author: Link327

The second temple. A hot temple. You found out how to reactivate the temple's powers. Do this here. Beat the Fire Temple.


Hey Link, I like your maps so far, I haven't quite finished
this one yet, but I found a maybe unintended way to go
about the map from the start:
If you suck up your AC "shield" with one maker, and
redeposit it with another maker above the volcano
on the top, it kind of nerfs that thing! Seeing as you
made it with such low intensity Creeper.
I really like how you use fields! Keep it up! ;)
To fight back the Creeper all you need is. . . What? Energy.
My maps CW1 are located here try out my MIS series.


well, its a bit useless here, but tahts a function I used too.
Well, not at the start, im sucking it over the game and use it to power makers.
Nice tactic.
My maps are open for evrything, (you won't be able to do so in 1.6 Sea Temple, there are no AC-Shields)
Im happy if people like my maps^^
I will continue uploading this Campaign, hoping the final battle will be there in time. xD


There are 2 areas of creeper that are all walled in - can't be cleared.

How do folks finish this map?


well, i have to answer this for evry single of the maps 1.4-1.7 xD
There are fields porting AC inside that room.
If you put a maker to the right location, the room will be cleared with time. Put them directly under the room, there is a little space between two solid blocks. There are the fields.


Quote from: Link327 on September 17, 2011, 05:38:19 PM
well, i have to answer this for evry single of the maps 1.4-1.7 xD

Invisible tricks where you have to know the secret to win? 

No thanks.

Other than that, they seem like good maps.


nice one had to think hard to get a foothold and after reading the comments I feel a lil dumb I didnt notice I could use the shields
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yep; once I'm sure I don't need the shield AS a shield anymore I suck it up as fuel for makers.

A good time on this one requires some multitasking. (And the dang spiral took some fancy kamikaze moves.)
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


y, just build 20 blasters and move them all in. 10 will die, 10 will build a new foothold in the spiral :D


fun map ^^ and i disagree with the the others who dont like the teleporting AC field, to me, it was rather obvious where to put my maker at, although i did just play 1.4 lol the empty space near teh walled in creeper made my spidy sense tingle lol  love it, only question.   where is 1.7?????
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