Custom Map #7802: THOUSAND ISLANDS. By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, October 26, 2019, 03:17:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #7802: THOUSAND ISLANDS

Author: yum234
Size: 256x190

THOUSAND ISLANDS and MILLION SPORES. One more weekend game with Movable Power Zones which gives us so big FREEDOM in gameplay! For players who can enjoy long and tedious Tower Defense game. :) #Bravo Harrymcb #BravoRegallion #GoodLu


In my last MPZ maps was used created by Regallion PRS (Power Redistribution System). Power of destroyed creeper emitter redistribute to remains creeper emitters.
When I created this map "1000 islands" I understand that will be interesting to create similar (as PRS) system for spore towers. Regallion created for me this scripts and I will present (but not today - too complicated to find balance for new feature) new map with SRS (Spore Redistribution System).
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


I've noticed an issue with the movable power zones that if you click on them and then your mouse moves even for a single pixel it will move the power zone to the new spot and leave a green box on the ground where you sent it that you cant get rid of for the rest of the game.


i can't seem to replicate the box staying there. which is sad since it is a known bug that i still can't reliably recreate. i think it has something to do with pausing. as for the PZ moving when you click and drag, thanks for that info. it is because i can't get a "mouse button up" command to work. so i have to do a workaround. this is an unintended result of that. i don't know how to fix it but you just need to tap the left click button instead of holding it. sorry for the trouble.