118 Responses

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  1. Jasvinderm
    Jasvinderm June 8, 2012 at 2:29 pm |

    Looks great! Question though, how is navigation handled when zoomed? (I’ve always loved ‘mouse at edge of the screen’ movement?) but I guess arrow keys?

  2. 2b3o4o
    2b3o4o June 8, 2012 at 2:50 pm |

    Any chance one could package several maps together, so the player can download them all at once? If maps can be this small, it would be nice to mass download them. And I think you mentioned something about multi-planet campaigns taking the place of individual maps, any news on that?

  3. Dave
    Dave June 8, 2012 at 2:50 pm |

    Wow, switching from air/flash to adobe seems to have enabled some much cleaner graphics. How’s the frame-rate in comparison to cw1/cw2?

    1. Lich98
      Lich98 June 8, 2012 at 3:10 pm |

      same 30 frames per second

    2. MadMag
      MadMag June 8, 2012 at 4:43 pm |

      switching from air/flash (adobe) to Unity you mean,
      The graphics can be clean and nice in “air”, but now we are in a different engine that give us the opportunity to draw units in a different way. In CW2 we only used Vector graphics (which almost can be as good as any other) but it is very difficult to draw cool vector units instead of using Photoshop. The units you have seen so far will be improved!

  4. Lich98
    Lich98 June 8, 2012 at 3:10 pm |

    Ok so those green things are collectors, the blue thing is the “base”, are the orange things the “blasters”?

    1. Lurkily
      Lurkily June 9, 2012 at 7:04 am |

      There also seems to be a mortar among the orange things.

  5. Ebon_Heart
    Ebon_Heart June 8, 2012 at 6:06 pm |

    any chance of having timed or conditional messages in this game? So you can continue the story without counting on the player picking something up at the right time? I could see something in story mode like commenting on a big emitter erupting, something breaking lose, it could be cool.

  6. AnonymousX
    AnonymousX June 8, 2012 at 6:18 pm |

    loving all the different textures on the ground layers

  7. anon
    anon June 8, 2012 at 8:14 pm |

    So from these pictures we can tell that: the pulse cannons fire an explosive projectile, or creeper mist is now orange and explosion-y (which is sad, because I liked the lasers, but I’ll get over it after mission 2 or 3); there are some weird red pixels on the command node, indicating Virgil has a weird cursor he forgot to delete from the image, Virgil made a mistake when creating the unit’s icon, or the command nodes use energy like tech domes and ore rigs; the game measures time in fractions of a second now, at least to the nearest tenth; the strange space background seems to be what is displayed when the game’s map doesn’t entirely fill the window; the ammunition bar for blasters and mortars will be very difficult to tell apart from the weapons themselves at a glance, unless it receives an outline or the weapons change to a less red color; command nodes differ from Odin City in the sense that they no longer have an onboard collector; and Virgil is being mean by not showing us the blue special tab. D:. One question: do command nodes get to fly around the map like the liberation ship and Odin City, or are they rooted in one spot? Also, are we limited to only three, and will we be allowed to set a one node limit in custom maps? And finally: is CW1 ever getting updated with the Evermore survival mode?

    1. anon
      anon June 8, 2012 at 8:16 pm |

      I apologize, that was three questions.

  8. MrNo
    MrNo June 8, 2012 at 8:36 pm |

    Okay, two things:

    1. You mention a map size in this one. Does this mean that this creeper world will have the capability to throw absolutely massive maps at the player?

    2. Slightly off-topic for this post, but I notice the “Terraform” Tab near the middle of the screen. Any hints as to what might be under that tab? Sorry if this has already been asked, I haven’t really had time to read the other comments lately.

  9. David
    David June 8, 2012 at 10:46 pm |

    So you’ve mentioned moving to different worlds and that you can do that without completing a map. So I was wondering if it’s possible that creeper will take back worlds that you already cleared or have some effect on the worlds you don’t completely finish.

  10. Nemoricus
    Nemoricus June 9, 2012 at 12:26 am |

    Hmm. I’ve noticed that the Command Nodes don’t have fractal energy collectors built into them. Do they produce all of their energy internally? Can they produce while in the air?

  11. Blaze
    Blaze June 9, 2012 at 2:42 am |

    I love watching how things progress through Alpha, or pre-pre alpha. lol

    Whatever it may be, these weekly screen-shots keep me sane while waiting for Beta to start up.

    Keep up the good work, and don’t feel rushed, nor should you rush it.

    Quality over everything as an indie dev. 🙂

  12. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 9, 2012 at 4:03 am |


    Yes, those are Pulse Cannons. They are very similar to Blasters in CW1. The graphics are likely to change as well.

    So you removed blasters and added pulse cannons?

  13. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 9, 2012 at 6:54 am |

    Hmmmmm…collectors look realy weird….

  14. Lurkily
    Lurkily June 9, 2012 at 7:05 am |

    Are the explosions going to be final? I kind of liked the blue ‘poof’ of creeper being vaporized, and it was less vision-blocking (sometimes) than an opaque explosion animation.

  15. Ebon_Heart
    Ebon_Heart June 9, 2012 at 8:41 am |

    It occurs to me that if fields are added to this game, 3 dimensional fields could be a possibility. :O (this being done by being able to edit a flat plane of a field box across multiple layers)

    1. Lurkily
      Lurkily June 9, 2012 at 5:20 pm |

      Difficult to show this to the player, though. The creeper colors are only densities, so being able to show elevation would require something new in the UI specifically for indicating creeper that is being artificially elevated. Things like this have a bad habit of looking out-of-place and artificial.

  16. Cheese
    Cheese June 9, 2012 at 10:55 am |

    Could there be a unit that when you click on it absorbs energy. The energy then turns into ” exploding packets” which is seperate then normal ’cause you can click on creeper then they go there and suicide to go boom.

    1. Lurkily
      Lurkily June 9, 2012 at 5:22 pm |

      Isn’t that basically what weapons do, in effect? You lose a packet to create an explosive effect on the battlefront.

      Besides, you can’t transfer just a plain old packet to a place that’s not on the network, meaning you would have to manage to string two nodes across active creeper. This is kind of a tough task, without going over it.

      1. Lurkily
        Lurkily June 9, 2012 at 5:23 pm |

        I should also add that the specific and focused user-selected firing points are also something that is already done by air units, and by the artillery piece Virgil showed us earlier.

  17. pj
    pj June 9, 2012 at 11:42 am |

    Creeper pipeline progress ?

    1. lich98
      lich98 June 10, 2012 at 12:50 pm |

      Very little, I was told more info to come on that.

  18. Rushed
    Rushed June 9, 2012 at 5:32 pm |

    So far, I am liking everything. I also have an idea for the energy bar ( a red circle surrounding the structure might work). I know to be patient, for you should never rush great work.

  19. Havvix
    Havvix June 9, 2012 at 8:19 pm |

    Would there be an option to lower the sound of the explosions of weapons?

    For example I found the sound that the rocket launcher and the mortars made in the previous games annoying after a while.

  20. sweetdude64
    sweetdude64 June 10, 2012 at 12:52 am |

    i know you have a pile of qquestions above, but ill add to the stack anyways 🙂
    1. how much gross does knuckle cracker related items make per year? also, how much of that flies into your pocket 😉
    2. so from previos comments i have heard this: blasters might still be put into CW3 along with pulse cannon. is this true?
    3.will it be possible to continue a mission if something ‘gamechanging’ occurs?
    ex: you win, all pods are destroyed, a capsole is destroyed.

  21. john
    john June 10, 2012 at 12:54 am |

    how to download it???

    1. Lurkily
      Lurkily June 10, 2012 at 10:42 am |

      This game is in alpha right now, meaning that it’s not even prepared for beta-testing. There will be no download until it finishes beta and is made available for purchase.

    2. lich98
      lich98 June 10, 2012 at 12:51 pm |

      Creeper world 3 isn’t available yet, not even in beta. This is all pre-alpha, the builds aren’t alpha yet. You can get CW and CW2 on the main site.

    3. exhodelta
      exhodelta June 10, 2012 at 4:28 pm |

      I assume you mean CW3, if so then you can’t. He’s still working on it, in pre-alpha status.

    4. Michionlion
      Michionlion June 10, 2012 at 6:16 pm |

      you can’t yet….

  22. Lurkily
    Lurkily June 10, 2012 at 10:40 am |


    There may still be a mist added. The explosions you see in the shots disappear pretty quickly and are animated. They are just effects of shells and things going off.

    The reason this is an issue for me is because when I’m in an intense level in CW 1, I have to turn the mist off because in fierce firefights it blocks my view of what the creeper is doing.

    And the mist is translucent. Opaque explosion animations are an order of magnitude worse in this regard, and I would probably keep them permanently disabled. My request in this regard is that you make the mist (if implemented) and the explosions able to be disabled separately.

    Or at least have the option for a certain amount of alpha transparency on the explosions so we can still have some idea what the creeper is doing while banks of mortars and pulsers fire away.

    1. Lurkily
      Lurkily June 10, 2012 at 2:03 pm |

      I should add that this is one of those special-case problems, for when you have many weapons firing quickly in the same region. I recognize that the explosion animations dissipate faster than the blue mists, but I still worry about their opacity in intense situations.

  23. lich98
    lich98 June 10, 2012 at 12:52 pm |

    I see a tab marked special… what could be in there???????

  24. CobraKill
    CobraKill June 10, 2012 at 10:37 pm |

    Are there still going to be speed pods and tech domes and everything else in the game (m-rifts etc.)?

  25. LanceChristophr
    LanceChristophr June 11, 2012 at 12:14 pm |

    How about maps that start small but unlock as you accomplish or eliminate creeper/emitters…. aaah!

  26. billy
    billy June 11, 2012 at 10:12 pm |

    alright there is 1 question that is bothering the heck out of me.
    if u have 3 command nodes that are cut off from one another, how do you tell the energy status of each base?

  27. sweetdude64
    sweetdude64 June 12, 2012 at 12:08 pm |

    ^that sounds like a great idea but it will likely not happen 🙁

    will there be any new modes or challenges(ex:u brought in survival)
    there might be a challenge like no more than 100 energy or bertha only

  28. Lurkily
    Lurkily June 12, 2012 at 7:11 pm |

    What happens to a command node’s storage, when networks combine/break?

    For instance, in the last screenshot, you had a hill that you WOULD NOT CEDE as a point of honor, but it didn’t produce enough power to defend itself.

    When you connected that node to the main network, (which had tons of power,) what happened to its energy reserves? Were power reserves split evenly between nodes? Could one command node be set to priority power use, directing all power to that command node’s storage in case it was cut off again?

  29. Lurkily
    Lurkily June 12, 2012 at 9:11 pm |

    Also, what happens when you try to terraform an area that has your base built on it? Do you fail to place numbers where a structure is built? Or do the terraformers simply not terraform areas with structures on them?

    That second system could be useful, in some situations, for putting sections of your base “on stilts” as you create low-lying regions where creeper can flow safely, despite being amidst your base structures.

  30. ganondork
    ganondork June 13, 2012 at 7:23 pm |

    will there be a nexus?

  31. sweetdude64
    sweetdude64 June 13, 2012 at 11:21 pm |

    well that takes out all the glitchy fun :3
    could you possibly make it to where you can tag the 9X9 blocks that a unit sits on and save the trouble of moving it? (you could make a 16X16 or 3X3 or whatever other units take up, or just have 9X9 i.e. blaster and mortar sized buildings since those types are most efficient.)

  32. AlanM
    AlanM June 13, 2012 at 11:35 pm |

    Could you PLEASE release a demo.( I asked this last year on CW2 😛 ) Maybe just teh first two levels?

  33. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 14, 2012 at 7:55 am |

    Virgilw can you make some expansion for cw1?? Ive finished creeper world 1 already,as so as user space and creeper world 2. I realy want expanison for cw1

  34. BlueTiger
    BlueTiger June 14, 2012 at 7:58 am |


    Virgilw can you make some expansion for cw1?? Ive finished creeper world 1 already,as so as user space and creeper world 2. I realy want expanison for cw1

    He is wright Virgilw! I also want some sort of expansion for cw1. Im looking forward to it.

  35. CobraKill
    CobraKill June 14, 2012 at 1:52 pm |

    Are you going to release a teaser or dev video soon? I can’t wait to see more.

  36. Lurkily
    Lurkily June 14, 2012 at 8:08 pm |

    Here’s a question. Is there any possibility of rebuilding CW 1 in unity so that it can use old maps, but new maps could be made using some of the capabilities of unity? (Like larger maps and the 10 terrain levels?)

  37. Lurkily
    Lurkily June 14, 2012 at 8:57 pm |

    A few posts back, you posted about various tweaks you were experimenting with, such as ‘max capacity on a line’. Can you elaborate on some of the network tweaks you’re implementing and/or considering?

  38. SlickRick
    SlickRick June 14, 2012 at 11:59 pm |

    when transforming can you make a wall that is several levels tall and goes strait up or do you have to make mountains with sloped sides?

  39. BlueTiger
    BlueTiger June 15, 2012 at 4:03 am |

    Both cw1 and cw2 runed very good on my pc,becouse my pc supports unity….whel i see you changed unity to 3d….its shame that i wouldnt be able to play creeper world 3 becouse everytime when itry to run 3d games it shows me error- Couldnt run the game bla bla bla,install direct 9 and make sure you have the latest video drivers installed. So could you make creeper world 3 for unity? Okay with smaller maps and all,but i realy want to play creeper world 3 IM DYNG TO PLAY IT!!!

  40. BlueTiger
    BlueTiger June 15, 2012 at 10:02 am |


    1. MadMag
      MadMag June 15, 2012 at 1:25 pm |

      Quote from you: when itry to run 3d games it shows me error- Couldnt run the game bla bla bla,install direct 9 and make sure you have the latest video drivers installed.

      Why do you not just install direct x and your latest video drivers is my question???

  41. lich98
    lich98 June 15, 2012 at 3:19 pm |

    I ready for more updates!! 😛 I’m totaly ready for anything you can tell us!!!!

  42. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 16, 2012 at 12:36 am |


    What’s funny about your reply is that it was in my approval queue before I ever approved the parent message I’ll interpret this as enthusiasm…
    So, if you like CW1 you are going to really, really like CW3. You’ll have weeks and months of play time from game 3 with more varied worlds and missions than you know what to do with.

    I understand but the thing is,that my pc dont supports unity and i wont be able to play creeper world 3…thats realy sad….but i can still play cw1 and cw2. I didnt enjoyed cw2 becouse it was way too hard in my option especialy anoying was that creeper gravity. Cw1 was very good in my option so iwould want some expansions for cw1.

  43. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 16, 2012 at 12:56 am |

    Virgilw i have some problems registering at knuckle cracker.-
    1) Leave the answer to this question blank-what question?!?! what do i have to leave!!!!
    2)What is 40 times 2? i wrote 80
    3)Type the following in the answer field: ABC123 i typed in ABC123
    4)What is the third letter of the alphabet? i typed in c
    5)At this site, what does the ‘C’ in CW stand for? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!? WHAT C? CREEPER? OR WHAT!!!??

  44. sweetdude64
    sweetdude64 June 16, 2012 at 1:25 am |

    here is the site you need that tells you everything possible about CW3!!!http://knucklecracker.com/blog/index.php/2012/06/pict-of-the-week-zoom/#comments
    lol ok so on to my question
    do you think the blaster rmake might be overpowered?
    if it explodes, it can take out dense creeper but it fires fast. You will need some serios balancing with that 😉

  45. lich98
    lich98 June 16, 2012 at 9:01 am |

    New picture with update soon???

  46. sweetdude64
    sweetdude64 June 16, 2012 at 9:31 am |

    1. should generate a uestion or you half to make it up.
    5.yes…creeper… as in creeper world

  47. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 16, 2012 at 1:24 pm |


    1. should generate a uestion or you half to make it up.
    5.yes…creeper… as in creeper world

    Leave the answer to this question blank- i would understand if there would be a question like what was your first pets name but there is nthing! its just an empty title!!!

  48. sweetdude64
    sweetdude64 June 16, 2012 at 9:13 pm |

    i havnt signed up either, but i think i figured it out…ur reading it wrong! here is how you should read it
    Leave the answer to this question, blank.
    as in dont put anything. You must have thought the line to put something was a question blank as in a line ________________________________ <like that

  49. Gary232
    Gary232 June 17, 2012 at 4:25 am |



    What’s funny about your reply is that it was in my approval queue before I ever approved the parent message I’ll interpret this as enthusiasm…
    So, if you like CW1 you are going to really, really like CW3. You’ll have weeks and months of play time from game 3 with more varied worlds and missions than you know what to do with.

    My pc dont supports unity and i wont be able to play creeper world 3…thats realy sad….but i can still play cw1 and cw2. I didnt enjoyed cw2 becouse it was way too hard in my option especialy anoying was that creeper gravity. Cw1 was very good in my option so iwould want some expansions for cw1.

  50. Gary232
    Gary232 June 17, 2012 at 4:26 am |

    Same thing for me……

  51. JohnyB
    JohnyB June 19, 2012 at 9:04 am |



    What’s funny about your reply is that it was in my approval queue before I ever approved the parent message I’ll interpret this as enthusiasm…
    So, if you like CW1 you are going to really, really like CW3. You’ll have weeks and months of play time from game 3 with more varied worlds and missions than you know what to do with.

    I understand but the thing is,that my pc dont supports unity and i wont be able to play creeper world 3…thats realy sad….but i can still play cw1 and cw2. I didnt enjoyed cw2 becouse it was way too hard in my option especialy anoying was that creeper gravity. Cw1 was very good in my option so iwould want some expansions for cw1.

    Virgil i have a feel that you just dont read my massage!!! I will ask again-will you make an expansion for cw1?

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